It’s no secret that Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms for businesses. With over 1 Billion active users, Instagram gives you the ability to reach a wider audience and get your brand in front of more customers than any other platform. Eddy Andrews shares some of his top reasons why Instagram should be one of your top priorities when it comes to marketing.

You Can Reach a Wider Audience

One of the best things about Instagram is that it’s a highly visual platform. You can use your photos and videos to help you stand out from other businesses and get noticed by your target audience.

Eddy Andrews says it’s a good idea to use hashtags when promoting or posting content on Instagram. Hashtags are keywords used in social media posts that help people find specific information related to those topics. By adding hashtags in your post, you have a better chance of getting more engagement from users who are interested in similar topics as you are.

You Can Share Content Related to Your Business

Eddy Andrews says to make sure you share content that’s relevant to your business. If you own a bakery, post images of freshly baked goods and mouth watering desserts. If you sell yoga mats, show off the beautiful poses people can do on them. It’s as simple as that! The key is using high-quality photos and videos when sharing content, so make sure they look good enough to make people want to eat, buy or use whatever product or service you’re selling.

Your Instagram followers are interested in what they see on their feeds; if they don’t recognize themselves in the things that interest or inspire others, then all those posts are just wallpaper for their eyes—not exactly something anyone wants for their visual diet!

You Can Get Feedback

Instagram is a great platform for getting feedback from your customers. This can help you improve your products and services, or it can just make you feel good about the work that you’re doing.

For example, when someone likes or comments on one of our posts on Instagram, you can send them a message asking them to leave a review on Google and Facebook as well. This will lead you to a better overall social presence.

Your Instagram presence is your brand in a nutshell. It’s important to have an engaging account that represents you and your business well. This can be accomplished through posting photos of events, products and services you offer, or even behind-the-scenes shots of how you run your business. You can also use Instagram to share inspirational quotes or testimonials from clients who love what they purchased; this will encourage others to buy from you too!

Instagram lets users know what’s going on inside the company—what projects are being worked on right now and what employees are doing. Eddy Andrews believes all this helps build trust between customers, clients and guests because they know what kind of people are working there. Since social media platforms make us more aware about things around us anyway – why not take advantage of using them for good?

With a large portion of the world’s population using the platform, Instagram is a great way to promote your business. The three strategies we’ve outlined above can help you get more followers and build relationships with them, but they’re by no means the only ways to use Instagram effectively.

If you have any questions or would like more tips on how to use Instagram effectively, be sure to get in contact with Eddy Andrews today.

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Eddy Andrew